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Gladiolus Place
Raised $380.00 so far
veerin Veerin Dee
$500.00 goal
Raised $15,880.00 so far
Team_GP_Girls GP Girls
No team
$10,000.00 goal
Raised $10,460.00 so far
garyga79 Gary Gan
ASH Cyclists
Raised $4,803.34 so far
Audreycgy Audrey
$3,000.00 goal
Raised $2,860.00 so far
michelletan Michelle Tan
$2,500.00 goal
Raised $2,804.40 so far
blee B
Raised $1,916.66 so far
chrissy-39346 Chrissy Chris
SimplyRide Wei Kiong Wong
$2,000.00 goal
Raised $1,400.00 so far
chenxing Chen Xing Sim
Raised $1,282.00 so far
ziqi Ziqi Chiong
JoelleWong Joelle Wong
$1,000.00 goal
Raised $1,218.40 so far
joshuawong1 Joshua
Raised $1,118.40 so far
EvangelineKohFoo Evangeline Koh
Raised $1,024.99 so far
Oceanic Ade Lim
Raised $1,020.00 so far
KHPC-Ben Benjamin
Raised $1,016.66 so far
KHPC-Caleb Caleb Seow
KHPC-Paul Paul
$100.00 goal
ThaddeusFoo Thaddeus Foo
Raised $1,004.99 so far
Elliek Ellie
Raised $1,000.00 so far
TeeGee Terence
Raised $970.00 so far
KHPC-Matthew Matthew Saw
$5,000.00 goal
Raised $916.66 so far
Jacklow Jack Low
Raised $900.00 so far
Lizhenchen LT Tan
$550.00 goal
Raised $800.00 so far
ian-77436 Ian Leeson
$350.00 goal
Raised $753.34 so far
Adrian_Tan Adrian Tan
Team 33J
$250.00 goal
Raised $750.00 so far
AmandaQuan Amanda Quan
Tigersh86 Shaun Ho
Raised $720.00 so far
Sis Jud Judith Ang
Raised $645.00 so far
Anne_SYF Anne
Raised $600.00 so far
pengann1 Peng Ann
Ziyang Soon Yang
Raised $550.00 so far
RideHardHard Ahmad Hilmy
Raised $501.00 so far
anusha Anusha Nishanthi
Raised $500.00 so far
mavane Mavane Lk
F-Cycle-O Team! ✨
wywong Wei Yew Wong
ElijahFoo Foo Weng Kit
Raised $499.99 so far
sarah-72797 Sarah Aldous
Raised $450.00 so far
Becs Rebecca Thng
Raised $400.00 so far
samuel-75446 Samuel Soon
Raised $370.00 so far
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